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UG Ordinance

 Procedure for Enquiry & Punishment

Procedure for Enquiry

The case/s of indiscipline shall be processed as given below:

Any case of indiscipline received shall be referred to Head of the Department of Biotechnology or Bioinformatics, who after considering the case on the merit may dispose off depending upon the nature of offence, or he may refer the case, within 24 hours of the case referred to him, with his comments to the Director depending upon quantum of offence.

The Director may suspend a student for a period to be decided by him upto a maximum of 15 days for an act of indiscipline, if committed in the presence of a faculty member/officer of the Institute, which is detrimental to the maintenance of healthy atmosphere, law and order in the campus.

The Director may suspend a student, if in the judgment of the Director, the student has committed a breach of discipline or if in his opinion, a prima facie case exists against the student, and institute an inquiry by such a committee or inquiry officer as the Director may constitute/appoint for this purpose.

The following punishment may be imposed for good and sufficient reasons:

(a) Imposition of monetary fine.
(b) Deduction of marks from the disciplinary group of marks.
(c) Imposition of a monetary or/and marks fine or putting on conduct probation for the rest of the stay in the Institute.

Warning or imposition of suspended fine and warning (a suspended fine becomes operative if the concerned student is found guilty of another act of indiscipline during the remaining period of that session).

(e) Rustication from the Institute for a specified period.
(f) Expulsion from the Institute.

Action with regard to punishment at a, b, c & d may be taken after the student has been called by the concerned officer/s and given an opportunity to explain his/her conduct.

Action with regard to punishment defined at (e) & (f) shall be imposed after the matter is thoroughly investigated by a committee or an Enquiry Officer appointed by the Director which shall follow the procedure as laid down below.

Procedure for Awarding Punishment defined at (e) and (f)

The Director shall constitute a committee/enquiry officer who shall issue a notice containing the substance of charge/imputation or misconduct against the student/s concerned and requiring the student/s to submit statement of defence within a specified period. This notice shall also specify the date on which the students will appear before the committee/enquiry officer in person to answer the charges. The committee/enquiry officer will after examining the charged student/s and such other persons whose testimony will have bearing on the incident, submit its report fixing responsibility in event of the charges being established along with its recommendations for punishments if any, to the Director.

The Director or the competent authority or such officer/person to whom the powers have been delegated shall consider the report of the committee/enquiry officer and issue show cause notice to the student/s concerned as to why the proposed punishment be not inflicted. The student/s concerned will be required to give the reply within a specified period and in case no reply is received within the specified period, it will be presumed that the student/s has/have nothing to say and the punishment proposed shall be awarded.

In case the reply is received within the specified period, the Director after considering the reply shall decide upon the punishment as he may deem fit. All such decisions would be communicated subject to approval of the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Management.

The above document is approved by the Board of Management of the Institute. Any deviation to this document can only be carried out with the consent of the Board of Management only.

Unfair means Resorted to by the Candidate

The details of rules and regulations at Dr. D.Y.Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute. These are available at the web site of the University . The Broad Categories of Unfair Means Resorted to by examinee at the [University] / College / Institution Examinations and the Quantum of Punishment for each Category Thereof is listed here.

Sr. No Nature of Malpractice Quantum of Punishment

Possession of copying material.

Annulment of the performance of the student at the University/College/ Institution examination in full * (Note: - This quantum of punishment shall apply also to the following nature of malpractices at Sr. No. (ii) to Sr. No. (xii) in addition to the punishment prescribed thereat).


Actual copying from the copying material.

Exclusion of the student from University/ College/Institution examination for one additional examination.


Possession of another student's answer book

Exclusion of the student from University/College/Institution for one additional examination. (Both the students)


Possession of another student's answer-book + actual evidence of copying therefrom.

Exclusion of the student/s from University/College/Institution examination for two additional examinations (Both the students)


Smuggling-out or smuggling in of answer book as copying material

Exclusion of the student from University /College/Institution examination for two additional examinations.


Smuggling-in of written answer book based on the question paper set at the examination.

Exclusion of the student from University/College/Institution examination for three additional examinations.


Smuggling-in of written answer-book and forging signature of the invigilator thereon.

Exclusion of the student from University/College/Institution examination for four additional examinations. Period of exclusion shall be counted as towards attempt/s.


Attempt to forge the signature of the invigilator on the answer-book or supplement.

Exclusion of the student from University/College/Institution examinations for four additional examinations.


Interfering with or counterfeiting of University /College / Institution seal, or answer-books or office stationery used in the examinations.

Exclusion of the student from University / College / Institution examination for four additional examinations.


Answer-book, main or supplement, written outside the examination hall or any other insertion in answer-book.

Exclusion of the student from University/College/Institution examination for four additional examinations


To bribe or attempting to bribe any of the person/s connected with the conduct of examinations.

Exclusion of the student from University/College / Institution examination for four additional examinations.


Using obscene language / violence/ threat at the examination centre by a student at the [University] / College / Institution examination to invigilators / Centre-in -charge or Examiners.

Exclusion of the student from University/College/ Institution examinations for four additional examinations.


Impersonation at the University/ College/ Institution examination.

Exclusion of the student from University/College / Institution examination for five additional examinations (both the students if impersonator is University/College / Institution student.


Impersonation by a University/ College/ Institute student at S.S.C./ H.S.C./ any other examinations.

Exclusion of the Impersonator from
University/College/Institution examination for five additional examinations.


Revealing identity in any form in the answer written or in any other part of the answer-book by the student at the University or College or Institution examination.

Annulment of the performance of the student at the University/College/ Institution examination in full.


Found having written on palms or on the body, or on the clothes while in the examination.

Annulment of the performance of the student at the University/ College/ Institution examination in full.


All other malpractices not covered in the aforesaid categories.

Annulment of the performance of the student at the University/College/ Institution Examination in full, and severe punishment depending upon the gravity of the offence.