Kort populärvetenskaplig titel (Short popular science title):
International exchange programme, School of Biosciences, University of Skövde (UoS), Skövde, Sweden and Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU), Pune, India
Hyperlink (https://www.his.se/)
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning (Summary):
The collaboration between Dr. D.Y. Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute, DPU, Pune, India and School of Biosciences, University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden started for more than 11 years ago and included at that time several different research projects in biotechnology. Since 2014 the collaboration has been extended and is now supported by the Linnaeus-Palme program for exchange of teachers and, in the last period, both teachers and students.
Presentation UoS, Sweden: pdf
Presentation DPU, India: pdf
Innehållsdel. Beskriv projektet för målgruppen (Introduction):
The School of Bioscience at UoS and Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute (DYPBBI) at Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU) have collaborated for almost eleven years. The collaboration started with a research project between two professors (Prof. Abul Mandal, UoS, and Prof. Neelu Nawani, DPU) and has over the years expanded into both teacher and student exchange. The exchange program has been funded by Linnaeus-Palme through the Swedish Council for Higher education. UoS offers many educational programs in bioscience both at Bachelors and Masters level that are taught fully in English. This means that many of the students attending the programs are international students who mainly come from Asia and countries like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. In addition to the teachers’ insights in another education system and foreign culture the exchange program also provides teachers with international experiences that will function as a platform for future collaborations in research and education.
The University of Skövde (UoS) has for many years recognized globalization of higher education as an important move towards worldwide equitable and sustainable development. Hence internationalization in higher education and research is one of the essential elements included in the UoS’s future development plan. The UoS’s mission is to educate top students, administrators and professionals to serve in the economy, politics and administration locally and worldwide. In view of this, the University actively and consciously encourages mobility of students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff in all study programs and at all cycles. UoS is engaged in a variety of international cooperation projects in order to gain new knowledge and experience which will strengthen its work and prepare its students for a world which is becoming increasingly international.
One international partner to UoS is Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU) situated in Pune, India. The vision of DPU is to excel in all aspects of academic life, so as to make the institute nationally and internationally reputable. The institute also envisions the empowerment of students through imparting of knowledge and skills in biotechnology and bioinformatics and the provision of education of global standards. With international exchange programs, both students and teachers receive an exposure to the education of global standards. These programs strengthen the cooperative efforts of the partner universities in mutually adopting the teaching and evaluation methodologies besides identifying common research interests.
Both the institutes can perfectly complement each other due to similarity in the subjects and program structure under biosciences. The School of Bioscience at UoS and the Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute at DPU offer similar study programs at Bachelor´s and Master´s level, and both have high quality of the given education programs and courses within bioscience especially within Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology. This makes both the teacher and student exchange relevant and possible to accomplish. DPU has introduced advanced laboratory facilities during the last few years and both the Universities offer well equipped and modern laboratories both for student lab practicals, project work and research. The number of teachers and students at the different institutes are also similar in size and the main part of the teaching staff have a PhD.
Besides academics and research, the exchange helps in professional and personal development. The exchanges offer valuable in-service training for language teachers who are able to improve their linguistic skills, update their knowledge of the culture and develop opportunities for their students in terms of correspondence links, student exchanges, joint curriculum projects, work placements and other materials. Teachers can also gain knowledge of new and emerging technologies and provide professional development resources and opportunities for the subsequent generations.
Har projektet synts i media? Infoga länkar (Media links):
Video on the exchange program will be here.
Projektets namn (Project name) : International exchange programme School of Biosciences, UoS, Skövde, Sweden and DPU, Pune, India
Projekttid (Project time): The exchange is ongoing and is available for both Bachelor and Master students.
Contact the international coordinators for more information about the exchange programs, course packages offered, selection of attendees and deadlines for application.
Offered 20 weeks course packages for exchange students (Bachelor level):
UoS: pdf
DPU: pdf
Finansiär/-er (Financial partners): Linnaeus-Palme is an Swedish exchange programme, introduced in May 2000, for teachers and students at undergraduate and master's level of higher education and aims at strengthening co-operation between institutions of higher education in Sweden and developing countries and thereby increasing global contacts in the world of higher education.The programme is administered by the International Programme Office for Education and Training and financed by SIDA, the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency.
The exchange covers two parts:
– Linnaeus scholarships for outbound Swedish participants abroad since it was the custom of Carl von Linné to send his apprentices out into the world in order to gather information.
– Palme scholarships for foreign participants as Prime Minister Olof Palme was deeply involved in the conditions faced by developing countries and their opportunities for development. The underlying idea of mutual co-operation between institutions of higher education will enrich the countries involved and provide a basis for broader partnerships between them.
Partner/-s (Partners): University of Skövde (HS) https://www.his.se/en/
Dr DY Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute (DPU) https://biotech.dpu.edu.in/
Projektledare (Project leaders):
International exchange coordinator, HS: Dr Maria Algerin, maria.algerin@his.se
International exchange coordinator, DPU: Dr Neelu Nawani, neelu.nawani@dpu.edu.in
Övrigt forskningsteam (Team):
Institutionstillhörighet (Department): School of Biosciences (IBI), UoS
Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute, DPU
Forskningsgruppstillhörighet (Research):
Systems biology, School of Biosciences (IBI), UoS https://www.his.se/en/research/systems-biology/
Research groups, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute, DPU
Keywords/buzzwords (för stöd till sök, lokalisering av relevanta bilder samt för att i förlängningen kunna sätta upp funktionen relaterade projekt) (obligatorisk):
International exchange, Linnaeus-Palme, Sweden, India, DPU, DYPBBI, University of Skövde
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune (DPU) has initiated number of collaborations with University of Skövde, Sweden (UoS) for the academic benefit of students and to enrich knowledge resources of faculty members. Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute from DPU is mainly involved in this collaboration. Total mobilities from 2011: 44
1) Research collaboration 1: (2011 to 2014)
A collaborative project “Bioremediation of toxic metals and other pollutants for protecting human health and ecosystem” funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sweden, Jan 2011- April 2014 for SEK 4.5 million (Dr. Neelu Nawani was Indian coordinator and Dr. Abul Mandal was Swedish coordinator).
Research outcome: 8 international publications, 3 patents of which one US patent is granted
Exchange mobility through the research project:
Teacher’s participation: Exchange of the coordinators from both countries visited once each year for a minimum duration of one week. (Participants: Dr. Neelu Nawani and Dr. Abul Mandal)
Students participation: Mr. Prithviraj Desale from DPU for 1 month for advanced training at UoS in 2014 and Ms. Rupali Aursang from DPU for 10 days for paper presentations at international conferences at Tunisia, France and Sweden.
(Total number of mobilities: 04; 02 teachers and 02 research students)
Team from DPU, India; Rajshahi University, Bangladesh; UoS, Sweden and SASNET at the joint workshop under the collaborative research project on Bioremediation. (L to R: Prof. Ananda Kumar Saha, Dr. Noor Nahar, Prof. Balasaheb Kapadnis, Former Vice Chancellor University of Skövde Prof. Sigbritt Karlsson, Prof. Abul Mandal, Lars Eklund)
2) Research collaboration 2: (2012 to 2014)
A collaborative project “Identifying novel biomarkers of COPD and design of innovative preventive and therapeutic strategies targeted for the benefit of Indian population” funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sweden, July 2012- April 2014 for SEK 2.1 million (Dr. Neelu Nawani was Indian coordinator and Dr. Cecilia Eriksson was Swedish coordinator)
Research outcome: 5 international publications, 2 patents
Teacher’s participation: Exchange of the coordinators from both countries visited once each year for a minimum duration of one week. (Participants: Dr. Neelu Nawani, Dr. Cecilia Eriksson, Dr. Abul Mandal)
Students participation: Mrs. Divya Prakash from DPU for 1 month for advanced training at UoS in 2014
(Total number of mobilities: 04; 03 teachers and 01 research student)
Team from DPU, India; UoS, Sweden and SASNET at the joint workshop under the collaborative research project on Respiratory Health. Mr. Ravi Behera (third from the left, standing), a representative of the Royal Swedish Embassy in New Delhi, India participated in this workshop.
Top Row L to R: Dr. Neelu Nawani, DPU; Dr. Balasaheb Kapadnis, SPPU; Mr. Ravi Behera, Embassy; Dr. M. B. Khetmalas, DPU; Dr. Abul Mandal, UoS; Dr. Cecilia Eriksson, UoS; Dr. Nia Rossiana, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia; Dr. Yayat Dhahiyat, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia; Dr. Manish Bodas, DPU.
Second Row L to R: Prithviraj Desale, Monica, Rupali Aursang, Sheetal, Dr. Mansi Prakash, Divya Prakash all from DPU
Prof. Abul Mandal, UoS, Sweden with Dr. P. N. Razdan, Former Vice Chancellor, DPU
3) Research collaboration 3 with Örebro University: (2015 to 2018)
A collaborative project “The emergence and persistence of novel resistance to 3rd generation cephalosporins and carbapenem in bacteria in the environment” funded by FORMAS, Swedish Research Council, Sweden, Jan 2015-Dec 2018 for SEK 4.9 million (Dr. Neelu Nawani was Indian coordinator and Dr. Jana Jass from Örebro University was Swedish coordinator, Dr. Abul Mandal from University of Skövde, Sweden was co-investigator)
Research outcome: 2 international publications
Teacher’s participation: Exchange of the coordinators from both countries visited once each year for a minimum duration of one week. (Participants: Dr. Neelu Nawani, Dr. Jana Jass, Dr. Abul Mandal)
Students participation: Ms. Priti Yewale and Ms. Shambhavi Awate from DPU for 1 month for advanced training at UoS in 2016 and 2017
(Total number of mobilities: 05; 03 teachers and 02 research students)
Dr. Jana Jass, Örebro University, Sweden with Hon’ble Chancellor DPU Dr. P. D. Patil
Dr. Jana Jass, Örebro University, Sweden with Prof. J. K. Pal, Director, DYPBBI
4) Academic collaboration 1: (2015-present)
Bilateral agreement between Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune and University of Skövde, Sweden. The agreement was signed on 18 Nov 2015 and renewed on 10 Oct 2018 valid for three years, it is further renewed for a duration of five years with effect from 15 May 2021.
Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute from DPU is mainly involved in this collaboration.
Key points of the agreement:
UoS would accept three students of M. Tech (final year) from DPU for duration of two semesters and at the completion of the two semesters the student would qualify M.S. degree from UoS after clearing the necessary examinations at the UoS. The student also receives M. Tech degree from the parent university DPU after presenting their final thesis (online mode presentation is accepted).
The tuition fees at UoS is completely waived for the students nominated by DPU, however the students have to bear their living cost on their own. Flexibility is given for the choice of subjects to make the program more students friendly.
Students benefitted from the program and received MS from UoS:
Year 2016-17: Aishwarya Sridhar, Karishma Badekar, Sushrut Kulkarni, Vedant Borghate,
Year 2017-18: Sucheta Desai, Mihir Shah, Abhishek Bedi, Amoolya Sai Dwijesha
Year 2018-19: Prachiti Patil
Year 2019-20: Divya Bansal, Prajakta Belekar, Komal Mohite
Year 2020-21: Ankita Mehra, Neha Sinha, Maitreyee Mukhopadhyay
(Total number of mobilities: 15; 15 M. Tech students in last year of their study)
Dr. Helena Enroth, UoS, Sweden with Dr. Somnath Patil, Secretary, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
Team of Indian Exchange Coordinators Prof. Neelu Nawani and Dr. Rachna Pandey with UoS International Office Team Andrea Jonsson and Sanna Larsson
Visit of Swedish team to India to discuss the further collaborative opportunities Dr. Marcus Nohlberg, Dr. Mikael Ejdebäck, Ms. Sanna Larsson, Dr. Abul Mandal
5) Academic collaboration 2 : (2014-present)
Linnaeus-Palme program between Dr. Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune and University of Skövde, Sweden. Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute from DPU is mainly involved in this collaboration. The application for this program is to be submitted to Swedish Council of Higher Education. This is a funded program where in Phase 1, the Head of the institutes participate and understand the cooperation modality. Phase 2 involves exchange of two teachers from both partner institutes for a minimum duration of three weeks. Phase 3 involves exchange of two students from each side for minimum one semester and two teachers from each side for minimum duration of three weeks.
Key points of the program:
All the expenses for all the mobilities are covered under the grant money and the participants receive invitation from the respective host institutes. Funding for the program is from SIDA, Swedish Council of Higher Education.
Students benefitted from the program:
Year 2018-19: Anita-Ann Monteiro, Shamika Shenoy from DPU and Benyapa Tangruska, Hanna Oberg from UoS
Year 2020-21: Setu Dhambhare, Neeraj Patil from DPU
Teachers benefitted from the program:
Year 2014-15: Dr. M. B. Khetmalas, DPU and Dr. Abul Mandal, UoS
Year 2016-17: Dr. Neelu Nawani and Dr. Manjusha Dake, DPU and Dr. Abul Mandal, Dr. Helena Enroth, UoS
Year 2019-20: Dr. Neelu Nawani and Dr. Rachna Pandey, DPU and Dr. Helena Enroth, UoS
(Total number of mobilities: 15; 09 teachers and 06 undergraduate students)
Team from UoS Dr. Maria Algerin and Dr. Henrik Thilander with Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, DPU Prof. N. J. Pawar, Registrar, DPU Dr. A. N. Suryakar, Director DYPBBI Prof. J. K. Pal, Prof. Neelu Nawani and Dr. Rachna Pandey
Benyapa Tangruska and Hanna Oberg exchange students from UoS with Dr. Amit Ranjan at the annual cultural festival at DYPBBI
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute
Survey No 87/88, Mumbai Bangalore Express Highway, Tathawade, Pune - 411033 Maharashtra India