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UG Ordinance

 Examination & Assessment

Attendance Requirement

In general, the institute expects 100% attendance. A minimum of 80% attendance is essential for appearance at the university examination. It may be relaxed to 70% attendance for health or other emergency situations at the discretion of a duly constituted disciplinary committee appointed by the Director.

Mode of Assessment

1 Theory Evaluation

The various modes of assessment used for rating students' performance in a lecture courses include: quizzes, class tests (open or closed book ), home assignments, group assignments, viva-voce, mid-semester test and the semester-end examination. The distribution of weightage for the assessment through the various modes listed above will normally be as follows :

1.1 There will be two internal examinations or class tests (CT)( also called Minor tests I and II) of one hour duration for each course to be held as per the schedule fixed in the Academic Calendar. During such examination period, it is compulsory for the student to attend the classes

1.2 In addition, two quizzes (or one quiz and one presentation ) and/or assignments or viva-voce shall make up the rest of the in-semester assignment by the teacher (TA).

1.3 The relative weightage for the minor examinations would be approximately 15 per cent of the total allocated marks for the subject (theory/ practicals) (thus two tests would cover 30 per cent marks), 10 per cent for the two quizes/tests/ assignments/viva-voce and active participation in discussions in class room. The relative weightage for the End Semester Examination (ESE) would be 60 per cent and would cover the full syllabus of the course. ESE is compulsory for all students

2 Practical Evaluation

Laboratory, workshop or any other practical work is evaluated while it is being carried out. The evaluation done for each practical session will be consolidated into a final evaluation. Normally equal weightage will be given to each session in the final evaluation. In case of a deviation from this guideline, the course coordinator will make an appropriate note in the Course Description. For most of the courses 20 per cent marks will be allotted for continuous evaluation. This would include written work (journal) and actual experiments and questions there in. There would be one internal examination for 20 % marks. End Semester Examination will carry 60 % weightage. End semester practical examination and a viva-voce examination would be conducted by external as well as internal examiners. Marks would be allotted on the basis of actual experiments, viva voce and written report.


1. Awarding a 'grade'

For every course taken by a student he/she is assigned a grade based on his/her combined performance over the semester in all the assessments in that course. These grades are described by the letters A+, A, B+, B, C, D and F each of which not only indicates a qualitative assessment of the student's performance but also carries a quantitative (numeric) equivalent called the grade points (discussed below). Teacher may still opt for numerical marking of each course, and convert the marks obtained by the student using a flat grade awarding system as follows:

A+ >80 %
A 70 to 80 %
B+ 60 to 70 %
B 50 to 60 %
C 45 to 50 %
D 40 to 45 %
F <40% Fail

On the basis of total marks (TA+CT+ESE) in each subject obtained, a letter grade can be awarded in a scale of 10 where A+ = 10, A=9, B+=8, B =7, C = 6, D = 5, F = 0. ( AICTE .

2. Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) in a semester

GPA can be calculated as follows:

Suppose a student takes five courses with credits as specified below and gets grades: A+, B+, A+, B+ and C. Following the ten point conversion scale given in above, his GPA can be calculated as below:

Subjects L T P Credit ={ L + T+P/2)} Grade Awarded
I 2 1 0 3 A+
II 3 1 2 5 B+
III 3 1 0 4 A+
IV 3 1 0 4 B+
V 0 0 4 2 C
Semester Grade Point Average =
Semester Grade Point Average
=( 30+40+40+32+12)/18 = 8.55

3. Semester Grade report

At the end of each semester the grade report, which reflects the performance of the student in that semester, is sent to the Faculty Adviser of the respective student, concerned student and a copy to parent is also sent to their respective addresses by ordinary post

Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

An up to date assessment of the overall performance of a student, from the time he entered the Institute, is obtained by calculating a number called CGPA. The CGPA is weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses registered by the student since he entered the Institute. The CGPA is also calculated at the end of every semester to two decimal places and is indicated on grade reports.

'Fail' Grade

A student is awarded the fail grade F if his/her performance in the course is poor (a student obtains <40 % marks